Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Ok, so today Amanda drove me to see my ENT doctor, the same doc that has operated on me at least 3 times and treated me for 10 years. He looked at the CT scan and saw the abnormal fluid in the mastoids and said, well theres no way to have fluid in the Mastoid unless it comes from the middle ear. He looked at my ears and said they were clear. So he basically had no idea why I have fluid in my mastoids, pain in my ears and back of my head. But he strongly disagreed with the ER doctor about Mastoiditis. He seemed to not really have a clue what is going on with me or what I should do next, and he didn't even really seem like he wanted to get involved (too complicated?). I was surprised and left feeling like I'd wasted my time. He had no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. So, left to my own devices I think I'll go see my Nerologist (since after all there is excruciating pain in the back of my head), and my GI doctor (since I also have excruciating pain in my left pelvic region). It was kind of funny, Dr. Jackson (ENT guy) didn't have a clue what was going on in my ears, nose, throat, etc., but seemed 100% certain that I have diverticulitis (sp?). We'll have to see if Dr. Jagiella agrees. In the meantime I'll take the Cipro and go with the flow. I guess I can always take my breakthrough pain meds or go to the ER if it gets too bad. Anyway the silver lining is I got to spend most of the day with Amanda and we even did a little bit of secret santa shopping (shhh).


Anonymous said...

Hi - I just tried to get you on IM and you had just left your computer I guess. Read your blog about today's visit w/the ENT, or does he think he's a GI Dr. Sorry he was no help but glad you and Amanda had a good day together. Keeping you in our prayers. MOM