Monday, December 18, 2006

Migraine-ish Mastoiditis

Sunday morning I awoke to the worst headache yet. It occured to me that these headaches have all been in the lower back of my head, and usually my migraines are in the front of the head. So, I thought, maybe it's not a migraine, maybe I have a blood pressure problem.

So I pulled out the cuff and snapped it on, and yep there it was: 210 over 110. I took it 3 more times just to make sure. Then I called my Dr. and he said do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to the ER.

So off to the ER we went. After a $100 deductable and a CT scan of my head, it was determined that I have major infection in my mastoids - both sides. These little gems are right in the lower back of the head - amazing - right where my headaches have been. So I've been walking around with this infection for about a week and a half now, when Dr. Butler said any infection needs to be treated within 48 hours because of the drugs I'm on. ypiee, what fun. Mastoiditis, I discovered, can spread into the bone, requiring surgery. It can also lead to Meningitis if not treated promptly and aggressively. No wonder I've felt like the bottom of a wet diaper pail for the last week. The one bright spot to the ER trip was 2 pain shots and some temporary relief from the non-stop pain.

So I started on Cipro 500 MG 2x daily and of course pain pills to mask the constant agony that I used to call a life. And of course no more Remicade until everything is completely cleared my Sarc can have a Christmas party, and probably a New Year's party too - all without the interference of any of those nasty little TNF inhibitors or auto-immune suppressors to dampen their fun. I just hope that unleashing the Sarc monster won't cause a flare-up and God forbid, a hospital stay.

This morning I woke up with no headache (although it did return later in the day), so based on that I think the Cipro is working. I'm just hoping its not too little too late.

Tomorrow I follow up with the ENT specialist who once told me "I can cut off a person's whole head if I want to" - now isn't that comforting. On the other hand, I would probably feeel a lot better if he did.

I have to go to the GI specialist too, because I've been having intense pain in my lower left abdomen. I had an abmormal CT scan in that area last year; maybe it is related. Who knows. I need a personal secretary just to keep up with my medicines and doctors and tests. Am I dying? Or will this pass? I dunno. I guess I'll find out when I find out.

Meanwhile I haven't begun to shop for Christmas; its kind of hard to do when you're in bed with pain for 18 hours out of every day. Hmm. Maybe I'll give hugs this year.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannie
I just found your website and believe i know the pain you're talking about. I too have had pain in my my head from the back,radiating up over the right side and into the left temple. I've been on Ceftin for now 3 weeks and just had a CT scan. (An MRI in early January showed Mastoiditis in right ear). I had hoped to avoid surgery, but it doesn't seem possible now. I just want the pain to go away :( .

I had pain in left temple in June/July 2006 that Drs. said was trigeminal neuralgia, but they did not do a scan. I am thinking now it's all related. ugh.

I've bookmarked your site. I hope you're feeling better soon!
