Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Migraines Again

I seem to get in these cycles of migraines, they come in bouts. First the lights flashing, then the headache, then the nausea. I've been nowhere except the toilet and my bed for the last 2 days. Just one of the side effects of Methotrexate and Remicade. I took my last $10 migraine pill today, so if it comes back tomorrow I'll have to go to the pharmacy and get more. I have plenty of Canada Dry and Phenagren, Soup and Crackers. I'm going to try to drag myself into the shower now and maybe smelling better will make me feel better. Or maybe thats just wishful thinking. I would really, really, really like to feel better tomorrow. When these days happen I miss LIFE. I miss my FAMILY. I feel so alone and useless, and life starts feeling pointless. Maybe tomorrow, just maybe... it will be different.