Saturday, August 07, 2004


What a nice day in GA - especially for August! Everyone got up early and went to the Old Soldiers Day Parade and let me sleep in - yea! Amanda directed traffic and had to take down the barrier because a lady was having a baby in a van - really!!! She had to let them through to get to the hospital.

Afterwards we went to Mittie's and had a nice lunch and then to get our hair cut. I thought Amanda was going to go for it and get her hair cut short, but she didn't. I, on the other hand, did get a lot cut off. A new haircut always makes me feel better. My hair stylist, 'Marc', was full of wild tales about Viet Nam and conspiracies. It was a trip.

Michael is out back with sack-crete and rebar trying to shore up holes in the fence where our little digger COCO keeps digging holes. She digs the hole, then she and her brother SCOUT both escape and wreak havoc around the house until some one man handles them back into the fence. They are quite a duo. The other day they got into a bucket of TAR (left by our thoughtful construction crew). They spilt it all down the side of the yard and got it all over their hair. Scout is blonde so it shows up real good on him. Coco is black so it doesn't show on her. Amanda spent hours trying to trim the tar off of Scout, but it really was a hopeless case; it will just have to wear off.

At 7:00 everyone is going to North Park for a pick up baseball game. I'm going to stay home and stay cool. I will probably take a long soak with some bath bombs and Mango Butter and then put in a Yoga tape.

I just heard a yelp from the back yard and it wasn't one of the dogs... better go see if my hubby is allright.