Friday, August 06, 2004

Home Again

I've been away for a week in the hospital again and now I'm back home. I really hate to be in the hospital and miss my family - plus my e-mail gets so clogged up it takes me forever to catch back up! Anyway I'm trying to get my records together for my trip to Tyler. Emory is not cooperating and it's a pain. The coolest thing that happened in the hospital is that my stepson John called me on Sunday from California. He is at 29 Palms in training. He will ship out to Iraq in early October. He is going to be guarding a gate at some airport over there. I'm glad he is not going to be out in the streets too much. He is brave and young and strong and not scared at all. We are very proud of him. I can't belive Summer break is over. Amanda goes back to school on 8/9 and Will goes back on 8/16. Will has a laptop this year; at his school everyone gets a laptop starting in 4th grade. Pretty cool. He can play DVDs on it at home and he takes good care of it. Mom has taken the kids to Wal-Mart and Blockbuster so I better go grab a nap while I can... bye.


Bill Allen said...

You sound better.

I couldn't reach you at Ridgeview. I copied the number wrong and deleted the email.

Please send for me or call me befo you go to Tyler. I lovr everything about you and your BLOG!...Bill-the-GeeDad