Thursday, August 28, 2008

DNC Hypocrisy - Someone has to say it

With nearly constant media coverage on every news station, it's nearly impossible to avoid the lavish DNC festivities this week.... and it's nearly impossible to overlook the phoney, "we're fighting for the working folks" rhetoric.

With tear wrenching stories of single moms fighting cancer, families that cannot afford medical insurance or services, layoffs, and every ill imaginable thrust upon the "common man", it's amazing to me how millions of Americans just soak this up and blindly give allegiance to whomever is on the Democratic ticket. But then, I'm amazed that Bill and Hillary can even show their faces in public after disgracing the highest office in our nation, treating our brave volunteer military like trash, disregarding the laws of our land and the oath of office, etc. I guess I'm just behind the times.

Like sheep to the slaughter, millions of Americans blindly follow the DEM-hype... It's pure EMOTION. Where's the beef? Where is the experience to lead a fortune 500 company, much less to lead the greatest nation in the world?

If the DEMS are so serious about helping the common man, they could simplify the convention itself and provide many, many "working families" with more money than they can hope to earn in a life time. I would really like to know how much has been spent on this garish spectacle. Then, to top it off, Obama moves the entire convention, just because he wants to, to the 75,000 capacity Invesco stadium, just for the one last night. Now really, how many millions is that costing? Think about it... all the glitz and glamour, telecommunications, security, programming changes, logistical changes, the cost of the stadium itself, cancellation costs... I could go on and on. And why? Just because Obama wants to at the last minute...and anyone who has been in business knows that EVERYTHING costs more when it is done at the last minute. I wouldn't be surprised if Thursday night costs more than the entire convention Monday - Wednesday.

So I say the Dems should put their money where there mouth is. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding. Those "working families" are really out here.. and we're taking notes.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

HMMMM..... Something's Brewing: Do you know what PUMA stands for?

It's all about that big happy family, the Democratic National Party. All for one and one for all - only question is which one? Check it Out!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hillary, Bill, Obama Serve Up the Kool-Aid

Is it my imagination, or is it stating the obvious? I'll chalk it up to an over-active imagination, but to be safe, I'm not drinking Kool-Aid these days.

Does anyone really believe that Hillary took her eyes off the prize? All that is necessary is to LISTEN and WATCH what the dynamic Clinton duo have been up to, and REMEMBER their illustrious past. Hillary hitched her ambitions to the coat tails of her lying, cheating, husband who taught my 10 year old the meaning of oral sex on the 6:00 news, and she's not about to let go now. His behavior and her complicity have encouraged an entire generation of our children to reject all moral absolutes, and trade sexual favors like first graders trade Valentine cards. This fact alone reveals the lengths to which she will go and the depths to which she is willing to sink in her unquenchable pursuit of power. Having already sacrificed her integrity, her marriage, her dignity, her daughter, and the respect of those of us who dare to demand more from our leaders, why would she stop now?

Of course neither Hillary or Bill ever accepted the loss of the Democratic nomination to Obama, not for a millisecond. I suspect they have been busier than ever working the back channels, making midnight deals, pulling in every possible favor, and applying pressure using leverage from very big closets full of very big skeletons. The quintessential experts in party politics and surgical application of grease in exactly the right places, no doubt the two have hatched some interesting plans. Does anyone really believe that the addition of a roll call vote for Hillary is intended to UNITE their party? Really? Have a glass of Kool-Aid.

Given their "take no prisoners", vicious, greedy, and unconscionable track record in the pursuit of power, does anyone believe these two have changed? There are only two outcomes that will satisfy - #1 is for Hillary to get the Democratic nomination, or #2 for the party to become so fractured and to undermine Obama so thoroughly that any hope for an Obama victory in November is demolished. They have already succeeded in bullying their way into what might more properly be called the CLINTON convention rather than the DEMOCRATIC convention.

And then there is Obama. What a pitiful shell of a leader, the ultimate example of all sizzle
and NO STEAK. I can't even find the words for how ridiculous the thought of this immature, shallow, inexperienced, spineless facade of a leader sitting in OUR White House is. I have honestly wondered whether we have a real live Manchurian Candidate. He's nothing but a pretty face with great skill reading a teleprompter and a habit of taking family vacations when the kitchen gets too hot (anyone else notice his frequent and conveniently timed vacations this year alone?). If he becomes our next president, it will be time to seriously consider leaving the country and allowing the people who vote for him to enjoy the results of their choice....and their free government issued Kool-Aid.

The fact that either Obama or Hillary are serious contenders for the highest office in our country speaks volumes. As I pondered their suitability to serve as the leaders of the greatest nation in the world, it occured to me that my 20 year old daughter has more brains, integrity, and leadership skills than either one of these contenders. I choose to believe that half of our population is too tired, stressed out, or overworked to THINK and PAY ATTENTION to the facts that are in plain sight of us all. After all, it's much easier to relax and have a glass of Kool-Aid. To believe otherwise would imply that half of our population lacks any sort of moral compass, and either the interest in or capability to understand facts that are readily available, and that's too scary for me.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Memorable Country Song

Have a laugh on me!