With nearly constant media coverage on every news station, it's nearly impossible to avoid the lavish DNC festivities this week.... and it's nearly impossible to overlook the phoney, "we're fighting for the working folks" rhetoric.
With tear wrenching stories of single moms fighting cancer, families that cannot afford medical insurance or services, layoffs, and every ill imaginable thrust upon the "common man", it's amazing to me how millions of Americans just soak this up and blindly give allegiance to whomever is on the Democratic ticket. But then, I'm amazed that Bill and Hillary can even show their faces in public after disgracing the highest office in our nation, treating our brave volunteer military like trash, disregarding the laws of our land and the oath of office, etc. I guess I'm just behind the times.
With tear wrenching stories of single moms fighting cancer, families that cannot afford medical insurance or services, layoffs, and every ill imaginable thrust upon the "common man", it's amazing to me how millions of Americans just soak this up and blindly give allegiance to whomever is on the Democratic ticket. But then, I'm amazed that Bill and Hillary can even show their faces in public after disgracing the highest office in our nation, treating our brave volunteer military like trash, disregarding the laws of our land and the oath of office, etc. I guess I'm just behind the times.
Like sheep to the slaughter, millions of Americans blindly follow the DEM-hype... It's pure EMOTION. Where's the beef? Where is the experience to lead a fortune 500 company, much less to lead the greatest nation in the world?
If the DEMS are so serious about helping the common man, they could simplify the convention itself and provide many, many "working families" with more money than they can hope to earn in a life time. I would really like to know how much has been spent on this garish spectacle. Then, to top it off, Obama moves the entire convention, just because he wants to, to the 75,000 capacity Invesco stadium, just for the one last night. Now really, how many millions is that costing? Think about it... all the glitz and glamour, telecommunications, security, programming changes, logistical changes, the cost of the stadium itself, cancellation costs... I could go on and on. And why? Just because Obama wants to at the last minute...and anyone who has been in business knows that EVERYTHING costs more when it is done at the last minute. I wouldn't be surprised if Thursday night costs more than the entire convention Monday - Wednesday.
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