Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bumps in the Road

I've had an infection for about 4 weeks now. Infections are the #1 risk with Remicade treatments. It came along with bronchitis and an earache and just generally feeling even more puny than normal. Didn't respond to a round of antibiotics, so the ENT Dr. is going to put in a tube and drain it. Until he is done and releases me, I have to stop Remicade treatments. Not that they were doing any good yet anyway, but it's still a setback. When I get back on Remicade, I'll have to get built back up to the full dosing level.

Then there's the foot thing. a few weeks ago I noticed a very painful area on the top of my left foot, which was accompanied by a slight mass. The pain and the mass have both increased since then. My Rheumy looked at it and said it may be a type of benign tumor that sometimes forms at the endings of nerves. I'm seeing a foot specialist next week to get to the bottom of it.

Good Lord, how many more things can go wrong? Ooops.... forget I asked that. I don't really want to know.