My Pulmonologist does not want to treat my MAC infection because my results are "too inconsistent". This was pretty devistating to me, especially since my parents drove me all the way to Tyler, TX to see the MAC specialist. I have to admit I was down in the dumps for a few days over this. But in the end, I decided not to let the opinion of one doctor who barely knows me shoot down my hopes. After my 4th Pulmonologist, I've concluded that there is something in their medical training that precludes them from empathy. They just don't get it. I think it has something to do with the fact that they are taught that the lungs don't have the capacity for pain. Whatever it is, BEWARE of them. I much prefer the Infectious Disease doctors and Rheumitologists.
Thank God for my Rheumitologist.
She prescribed the drugs and is going to monitor the 6 month MAC treatment.
Wouldn't it be amazing if my cough went away?
Wouldn't it be amazing if my chest pain went away?
Wouldn't it be even more amazing if my joints got better?
I am so grateful to have at least one doctor that LISTENS TO ME and is willing to TAKE A CHANCE ON ME. I started treatment yesterday, so we'll see how things are on 4/25/05.
I have faith.
I will be better then.
April 25, 2005 will be here before I know it.