Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Prednisone, Horns, and Popping Discs

Today was my monthly checkup with Dr. Butler. The GREAT news is that I'm going down again on my Prednisone from 12.5 mg to 10 mg starting tomorrow. The other GREAT news is that she is prescribing a brand new treatment for me to try that DOES NOT INVOLVE DRUGS!! It's something that has just recently been approved by the FDA; some sort of gadget that goes on your knees and hands while you sleep and sends electricity into the joints. Dr. Butler said it sounds wacky, but she knows the researchers that developed it and has high regard for them. During the trials, they were able to demonstrate through verifiable tests that this treatment actually reduces the inflammatory tissue in the joints by significant amounts. I'm eager to get started. I'll have to be fitted for the 'gadgets', and I'm sure Dr. Butler will have to write a justification to get my insurance company to fork over the $$ for it. I just wish I could remember what it's called!

Another good peice of news is that the skin on my back has finally healed, so I can go back to the pool. Since the pool is the only type of exercise I'm allowed to do, this really means a lot to me. I've gained so much weight on this nasty Prednisone over the last 3 years that I desperately want to lose. Even if I can only last 20 minutes in the pool, it's at least a MENTAL victory for me.

My back is another story. My L5/S1 vertabrae are "bone on bone", according to my doc. I am in excruciating pain most of the time, even though I take 60 mg of oxycontin every day and 6 Vicoden for breakthrough. It was so bad yesterday that I cried during my entire appointment with Dr. Becker. The doc says I really need surgery, but because of my health conditions I am NOT a good candidate for it. We are doing a series of 3 epidurals and praying for a good outcome. I've had 2 buldging discs for nearly 20 years now, and have had several rounds of epidurals that have been succesful. The difference now is I'm older, I have Osteoporosis (from the Prednisone), I'm Diabetic (from the Prednisone), and WAAAAAY overweight (from the Prednisone), plus the disc is in really bad shape. Honestly, I don't think I can face anymore surgery, I am afraid I couldn't make it through. So this is something I'm praying about a lot these days. Every now and then I get a few minutes when the pain dies down to a dull roar, like right now, and I can write to my blog or something sedentary. I'm pretty useless around the house; I can't stand up long enough to load the dishwasher, much less prepare a meal! We're all trying to pitch in and make the best of it, but after weeks on end staring at a dirty house and being unable to reach, bend, scrub, or anything, it gets pretty depressing.

I also saw my Opthomologist today. I have to see him every 6 months because of my Sarcoidosis and Diabetes. Everything looked pretty good, except my dry eyes are getting worse. I promised to start using the artificial tears like I'm supposed to do. He said if it doesn't improve, they can put little plugs in my tear ducts to help my eyes retain moisture. Now thats something I've never heard of....I learn something new every day!

Oh and one more update from last week - the Dermotologist says the lump on my forhead is a "bony cyst", and is harmless, and basically I just have to live with it. Ok by me - at least it's painless. I think all these weird bumps on my head and shins are from the Sarcoidosis, personally, but heck I don't have the Medical Degree, I'm just a humble Mathematician. On the other hand, maybe Mom is right and I'm sprouting "Prednisone Horns". It might actually be good if Prednisone gave you horns because they might warn the people around you about how nasty and volitile you've become on the inside from that poison.
So let's see, that updates the Rheumitoid Arthritis, Degenerative Disc, and Eyes and strange growing bumps. I won't see my Pulmonologist again until next month to get an update on how my lungs are doing. At my last visit he told me my disease (Sarcoidosis) had progressed to Stage 3 (ugh). The latest statistic I've seen on Sarcoid is that 5% of people who have it die from it. It's a far cry from what they told me in the beginning - and it's appalling how uneducated the medical profession is on the insidious nature of Sarcoidosis when it is systemic.

On the caution side, I fear I may have another ear infection. I'll be calling Dr. Levin tomorrow to take a look at it. If I do have one, it puts next weeks chemotherapy (Remicade) at risk, and I don't want that!

Like Gilda Radner said, "It's always something"..... In my case it's always something, if its not a disc popping out, its horns growing from your forehead.... (If you watched Saturday Night Live in the 70's you'll get that).

Well thats about all I can stand, so I'm off to take some pain pills and try to get some sleep. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Anonymous said...

HI, Jeannie; I also have L5/S1 bone on bone and am at Stage 4 with Sarcoid. I do relate to how you are feeling and it is very frustrating but, as all of us, we just keep "keepin' on". I remember Gilda. Funny lady! I am praying the electrical impulse"gadgets" help your joints. If they do, let me know! Take care, Kristi