I haven't written in awhile. It's been a tough month. I was diagnosed with "drug induced" Diabetes and it has been a roller coaster. I had no idea how bad Diabetes can make you feel - Nausea, Headaches, Visual Disturbances, Irratable, Sweating, Weakness, Fatigue, MOOD SWINGS - and I've been sleeping about 16 hours a day. I cry at the drop of a hat, and anywhere - I can't seem to control it. Now I'm on Insulin, but not responding like a 'normal' person (is there such a thing?). My Endocrinologist (yes, ANOTHER new specialist to see and PAY) says the Prednisone has made me Insulin resistant and that is why it is taking so much to stabilize my sugar. I take 5-7 shots a day plus two pills and have to check my sugar 8-10 times a day. My sugar has been racing around in the high 400's and it feels like CRUD.
Meanwhile, my Rheumy says the Remicade MUST be working because I cut my Prednisone from 20MG to 10MG and didn't get any worse (I didn't get any better, either). But she says the fact that I didn't have a flare when I cut the Pred. means the Remicade must be working. So she increased the Remicade dosage for my next infusion on June 29. So I guess that's my silver lining in this storm.