Friday, September 24, 2004

Democratic Strategy Session

Posted by HelloIt's just Bill C. and Jim C. with Hillary conveniently out of sight (but within earshot). There, now all set for the denials: "I was never a party to any discussion.... blah blah blah".
Bill: Glad you could make it up for the weekend Jim. Want a beer?
Jim: Sure. Anytime.
Bill: Our buddys John and John need some HELP. I think you should just go over there and HELP them.
Jim: Hmm.. maybe. Wonder if it would be worth my while?
Bill: Sure, Sure, I bet you could rake in a few million just to get the pot stirring good.
Jim: A few mill sounds good to me. But do you really think those clowns have a chance?
Bill: Jim, Jim, you're missing the point. I want you to HELP them. You rake in a few mill now, then the REAL gravy train starts up again in 2008, Hillary style.
Jim: Well, NOW you're talkin' bud. I think I'll give them a surprise visit and offer my SERVICES.
Bill: Good. I like it when Hill is in a good mood. Want another beer?
Jim: Sure, pass it down